Flow Science has extensive experience in the hydraulic analysis of pipelines and hydraulic structures, including the study of open channel flows, hydraulic jumps and air entrainment in pipelines, pumping wet wells and the design of gravity junction structures. We solve pump vibration and cavitation problems, and provide innovative solutions for flow optimization.
Flow Science provides state-of-the-art pressure surge (waterhammer) analysis for water and wastewater systems. Our surge analysis modeling software has been developed over a 30-year period and is extensively proven and validated in the field. We have analyzed pipeline systems with diameters ranging from 6 inches to 12 feet, and from a few thousand feet long to complex distribution systems with hundreds of miles of interconnected pipelines. Systems are analyzed to determine the pressure surges resultant from pump failure or startup, turbine load loss, and valve operations. Flow Science provides recommendations for surge protection in a detailed written report and has performed over 1,200 such analyses.
Flow Science is the US distributor of the computer model DYRESM – WQ (DYnamic REservoir Simulation Model – Water Quality), developed by the Centre for Water Research at the University of Western Australia. This program simulates the physical, chemical, and biological processes in small to medium sized lakes and reservoirs. The model has been extensively calibrated and verified through field work. Flow Science has utilized this program in evaluations of water quality improvement schemes for lakes and reservoirs, including hypolimnetic oxygenation systems, mechanical mixers, and bubble plume aerators. We have also performed field and modeling studies to determine the potential of “short-circuiting” in reservoirs, a condition that can lead to undesirably high concentrations of Cryptosporidium and Coliform in the outflow.
Flow Science has extensive experience in the simulation of complex hydrodynamic flows, including heated water discharges, clearwell and tank design, and reservoir hydrodynamic modeling. Water quality improvements may be obtained by the proper design and placement of inlets and outlets, and the installation of baffles and flow control structures at strategic locations within a tank or basin. Historically, the design of such elements relied on experience and intuition. Now, however, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) allows these design decisions to be based on precise, scientific calculations. Flow Science has analyzed the flow in numerous distribution storage reservoirs, clearwells, and basins throughout the United States for the purpose of designing baffles or maximizing water quality.
Flow Science has an extensive background in the engineering applications of turbulent mixing and dispersion theory to the analysis and design of diffuser systems to meet NPDES standards, in the coastal ocean, estuaries, and rivers. We typically use a combination of mixing theory and computer modeling to fully characterize the discharge and resultant dispersion patterns. We also have extensive field experience, including the use of state-of-the-art Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry technology (ICP-MS) to perform dilution field studies. Our project experience has ranged from offshore thermal discharges at nuclear generating stations to small scale wastewater treatment plant discharges in tidally- influenced river systems. Specific discharge examples involve flows from 6,500 gpm to 840,000 gpm. These same principles have been applied to desalination plants, brine disposal, and salt pond remediation.